Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The magic of a change of scenery

I went for a run today even though it was really hard to get myself to put on my sneaks. On days when running feels hard, I visualize myself running in all the locations I know and then pick according to which feels like that day's best fit. Today that was Norristown Farm Park. Despite some tough hills, ultimately it's a really nice paved 2 mile loop, some through fields and partially through the trees.
Today it was just right. I set a goal to have my average pace be faster than Friday. What I didn't expect was to be able to run so much more of my total distance in bigger chunks than last week. After walking my first .25, I wad able to run the next 1.25! I probably could have gone further too, but I hot a wall (well, it felt like a wall, but looked like a killer hill;) so I walked it out for a little and then finished up the last half mile strong(ish) with a stead jog. So really I ran way more than half and it felt great! I love days like today! Now off to the dentist :p

Oh, and BTW... here is a link to my donation page for the Lupus Loop. Please feel free to support my run! http://www.active.com/donate/lupusloop2011/Lbeth120

Saturday, October 1, 2011

you go, girl!

I went for a run yesterday and did the same double loop of my neighborhood that I did earlier this week. It felt a little bit better and I was able to go a little bit faster this time. As I was jogging along, I began to count how many weeks I have until my race and I was relieved and excited to discover that on top of the week I just completed, I had four more! I don't know what I was thinking before, but I had a slight panic that I only had 3 weeks! This realization helped me relax and enjoy my run that much more.

This idea of found time made me think about how, in my limited experience with running, that time has become really important. I dropped my first race because I didn't feel ready, but never dropped running, I just rescheduled for two weeks later. As I prepared for my 7 mile race this summer, I could feel that I wouldn't be ready, and I wasn't. I have struggled with the idea of quitting, but what I have come to realize is, that it doesn't feel like quitting if I am following what I know in my heart and what my body tells me it is capable of AT THAT TIME. Actually, it's funny that the title of this blog is "a year to love running" because when I started it, that seemed almost funny. But now, almost a year in, training for another 5K, something I never thought I could do, I find that while I'm not sure I could say I "love" running yet, I certainly do enjoy it! (Well, most days, anyway...)

Running is hard. If it weren't hard, everyone would do it. I tell myself this a lot these days, particularly when I know for some people it comes more easily. I am not one of those people. I work hard for progress, and the progress is small. But it is progress and I celebrate it. I have a friend who doesn't really understand why I wouldn't be comfortable running in an event when I didn't feel totally prepared. They would say, "Just go for it! No one cares but you!" But for me, that's not comfortable or enjoyable, and they are right, no one cares but me. But who else am I doing this for but me? It makes me feel bad about my performance and like I have failed myself because I just wasn't ready. It doesn't mean I will never run again, but it does mean I know I have to work harder and for a longer period of time than some people. There are some things I pick up quickly and would take a risk doing, cooking, pottery, board games, teaching, but then there is running. I have always hated running, so just the fact that I'm trying makes me feel pretty good. The fact that I didn't quit after my first 5K, makes me feel really good. I am not a person who sets goals like, if I do this, I will get myself this. Or if I finish this, I'll do this for myself. I do it just to have done it. I get a great deal of satisfaction from the process itself and the running is the goal, not the other way around. At least, for me, anyway.

Ok, this was a very different post than I had in mind when I started. I will leave with one parting thought. On my run Friday evening, a woman walking her dog shouted at me, "you go, girl!" as I struggled with the last stretch of my run. It was reminiscent of when the dude ran with me on the boardwalk. It felt good to struggle and for someone's encouragement to push me to finish just a little bit stronger. So if you are a struggling runner, or thinking about becoming one, just remember, "you go, girl!" And if you see a runner, a little word of encouragement never hurts!

What keeps you going?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

bet you thought I quit!

well, you are mostly right. I did. A few times, but ultimately I have found myself thinking more about running and remembering what it feels like after a great run and how when I'm consistently running how good it feels. So this blog post is about memory.

My last post was a positive, uplifting memory of feeling like I was going to be ready for the Falmouth Road Race. It didn't last. I think I ran a few more times after that one, then it got wicked hot, I got bored on the treadmill and couldn't even walk outside, let alone run and I decided not to run the race. My friend, H, had decided not to run either and we were going to just cheer on my BFF, A, during his first running race, and I relaxed and started sleeping again. Then, after a relaxing day on a beautiful beach in Cape Cod and spaghetti dinner (sympathy carb loading with A) H decided we were going to run too. I resisted for a long time, cried a little and finally agreed to go buy a new sports bra since I hadn't even packed mine, and at least give the race a try.

I was a wreck the night before, but by the morning of the race I had relaxed. I wasn't prepared, mentally, emotional or physically, so I just decided to go with it and see what happened. Well, what happened was, H ran with me, slowly, but I could tell I was holding her back, despite some physical foot problems she had been suffering from, she felt pretty good. Feeling guilty for keeping her, I told her to go on. She hadn't brought a phone and was anxious about completing the race too, so because her parents live two miles in to the course I told her to take mine and I would bail out at their house.

So, on she went with my phone and as soon as she ran off ahead I felt relieved. Running with someone had really stressed me out and I started to think, maybe I can do this.... But when the time came and I arrived upon her parents cheering at the end of their road, I got nervous. Now I'm without a line of communication and what if I get 5 miles in and can't finish or contact anyone to come find me. That, combined with my lack of confidence in my ability to run the race the way I wanted to, caused me to quit.

I quit and I was so mad about it. I was a little mad that I ran the race even though I wasn't ready. I was mad that I didn't finish what I started. I was even mad that I was mad. Once I got over being mad, I decided that I was actually really proud of myself for at least trying. I know what the race is like, I know the worst of the course (the beginning!) and I know that if I work hard, I could do it again, and finish it.

Despite feeling like it was something I could, and wanted to do, I came home and hadn't run again until today. My friends and I do the Lupus Loop in Philly every year and I usually walk it. I had been hoping to run it this year, but each day I would say, I should really start running again and then I wouldn't. So now that that school is back underway and I am in a routine, I decided that today was the day to start.

So here is where the idea of memory comes back into play. I think that muscle, and maybe even what I might call physical memory is an amazing thing! I haven't run in almost two months, and that was just once for the race, before that it was probably another month. So I didn't know what would happen when I went back out there. I can't say it was sunshine and rainbows. Actually, it was humid and cloudy, but that's not really what I mean. I did just shy of 2.5 miles and ran almost half of that, in intervals. It was slow, and it hurt, sometimes a lot, but it certainly didn't feel like when I first started the couch to 5k plan 9 months ago. I remembered. I could recall what it felt like to run two miles, both emotionally and also physically. My muscles remembered too, and I find this pretty amazing.

Maybe even amazing enough to remember this feeling on Thursday and to go back out there and run some more!

Friday, July 15, 2011

back on track

Haha, back on 'track!' I crack myself up :) Anyway, after a much too long hiatus, I went jogging today. My last run was a good one, and one I never shared about because I forgot, but the memory of my four mile run up and down the boardwalk many weeks ago was what got my sneakers on for me this morning. I recalled the feeling of joy when some random guy started running along side me, cheering (probably looked like I needed some encouragement as I huffed, puffed and sweated my way down the boards!) When I passed him as I headed towards home, he remembered me and cheered again, demanding a high five. I obliged and smiled for a good deal longer than I usually do when running! So this running memory was what made me get back on it today. I have been really busy, and while that often feels like a good enough excuse for me not to run, lately I've been seriously considering not running the Falmouth Road Race.
I'll admit it. I'm scared. I am scared I won't finish. I'm scared, if I do finish, I'll come in last. I'm scared that people I know and love will see me run and know how slow I am. I'm scared that strangers will think I'm silly for running so slowly... the list goes on and on. So today, I decided, I at least have to try. I may be nervous, or even scared of all of these things, but at least I'm doing it. How many people can say they've run a seven mile race? It may not seem like much to some people, but to me, that could be a pretty big deal.
So I put on my shoes, thought about where I felt like running and decided to try somewhere new. I drove the mile over to Valley Forge Memorial Park and immediately felt like it was a perfect choice for my first run in what felt like ages. It was quiet (I guess most cemeteries are) peaceful, a good mix of shade and sun, and some gently rolling hills. I did a little over two miles, and ran most of it. I felt ok, not great, but probably better than I expected. I feel now, like I can do this race. Two miles is not even close to 7, but I know that with some consistent work over the next few weeks, I'll at least be able to finish the Road Race. I just have to keep simple goals in mind and not let my competitive nature take over, because that's when I feel like giving up!

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I tackled Valley Forge Park!

I decided today was the day to conquer the loop in VFNP. It is 5 miles with some grueling hills, but I did it! I was not able to run the whole thing, I probably jogged 2/3s and walked the other third, but it felt pretty good and it certainly was a beautiful day for it! I figure, if I alternate doing my gym work outs and strength training with running the boardwalk when I'm at the beach and doing the Park when I'm home, I should be in pretty good shape for Falmouth Road Race. Baby steps, just like the 5k!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Let the summer training begin!

I feel like today was my official start of summer, so I kicked it off with a trip to the gym. I had decided that if I'm going to really do this training for the Falmouth Road Race right, I need to work on my strength as well as just the running. Today seemed like as good a day as any to start cross training. I ran 1.5 miles to get myself warmed up and it was harder than it should have been, in my mind anyway. The last several weeks I've really slacked off in the running department and I'm feeling the burn of regret! Luckily for me, with summer comes the gift of time, so I plan on hitting the gym a few days a week to work on strength training, and keep up the running as well. I really don't like running on the treadmill, so I'm hoping it stays cool enough in the morning that I can keep running outside. I don't feel pressured to run the whole thing, but I just want to do the best I can. I never thought I could run 3 miles and I did, so hopefully 7 miles is an achievable goal as well.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I did it!

I completed my first 5k. I was able to run about 98% of the race, which I feel good about, especially since my training definitely tapered off the last week and a half. The course was pretty hilly and it felt strange running with other people around. I had trouble fighting my competitive tendencies as people passed me, but I just kept telling myself that I was not in it to win, just to prove to myself I could do it! My time was slow, like 46min. but I know I can do better next time! Also, it was awesome to do something in honor of my friends Allie and Jess's Mom :)

So, looking forward, I may add another 5k sometime this summer, but I will keep training for the Falmouth Road Race (7 miler) in August. Stay tuned!

Friday, May 20, 2011

3 miles!!

I did it. I ran three miles on Thursday. I headed over to a new location for me, the Norristown Farm Park and had a great run. I DID get a little lost, (go ahead and laugh) and had to get some assistance from a park ranger and a map, but then I was back on track and had a pretty good run. I am slow, but I ran it all! It was such an awesome feeling of accomplishment and I feel much more confident going into my race tomorrow. I know it is going to be tough, and that I may have to walk at some point, but I just loved the way it felt to just be out and running, and not be checking my watch, or distance every 20 seconds like I did when I started. It is so hard for me to believe that I went from struggling to run for 60 seconds at a time, to running 3 miles. And, that I enjoy it! Who would have guessed. So, tomorrow is the big day and while I'm a little anxious, and a little more so because I know many of the people who are going to be there and everyone will know how freakin slow I am. But, whatever! here we go :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

back in the saddle

Well, after a week off with a yucky cold, I went for a run yesterday. It actually went better than I had anticipated. I was almost to my second mile, aiming for 2.5 and I was thinking, "wow, I actually feel pretty good, considering how sick I've been!" Then just as my Runkeeper announced I had 2.25 (first .25 was my walking warm-up) I got dizzy. Really dizzy, so I slowed to a walk to get my head together, but then I had to stop and put my head down for a minute. I realized that 2 miles was a good start back and it was time to go home. I had some muscle pain in my right quad, but it feels better this morning. So, all in all, a pretty decent start back.

I think it's cool that so many of my friends are running now too. I never thought it would be the kind of club I could be a part of, asking for advice about where to run, and pacing and choosing races. I can't wait for summer to run the boards :)

Friday, April 29, 2011


I've struggled with a few things lately and finally came to a good conclusion that I feel much better about. I was supposed to race next weekend on the 8th, but I was feeling so stressed about it because I just didn't feel ready physically and I also had something else really important to me scheduled at the same time and I was freaking out trying to figure out how to make both work. I have discovered that my body really does best, now that I'm running more, with at least one, and two is better, days off between runs. This just was not allowing me to be where I want to be, distance building wise by May 8th. So I decided not to do that race. There was another race, Nita's Run on the 21st that I was planning on walking with my friends that I'm going to run instead because I feel like it gives me enough time to be really ready. I think I made the right choice!
I went back to the treadmill yesterday because I was worried about a storm coming through and it went pretty well. I ran my 2.25 miles and jumped on the sides for a quick water break, but other than that, felt pretty good, although I definitely prefer running outside. I wish I knew some better places to run nearby. Once I'm running further I think Valley Forge will be good, but for now it is just too much. If anyone knows of good places to run near KOP, let me know!

The other thing going on with my running is I am now registered for the Falmouth Road Race in August! I am still nervous about it, but I think it is worth a try! I guess the worst thing that happens is I have to walk a little bit, which I feel alright about, considering it is a 7 mile race. Just gives me something to keep working towards this summer and I can't wait to take morning runs along the boardwalk!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

hot and hilly

I did my second run of week six today and it went alright. Friday's run was better, but I think weather had something to do with it. It was much warmer today and I ran in my neighborhood which has a good almost 1 mile loop, and some decent hills, which is good practice but much harder! I also didn't feel like my Runkeeper app was keeping accurate time of my pace. I'm not sure what makes me say that, except that my pace didn't seem nearly as slow as my app was telling me. I guess I could figure it out myself, but it doesn't really matter. I'm not nearly as worried about how fast I'm going at this point, rather just being able to run without walking.

Today was my last workout with any walking in it, which is exciting and scary at the same time. I felt so good when I did that two miles with no walking, so I'm looking forward to the build that's coming, adding a quarter mile each week. I am behind where I wanted to be by now, and will not have run 3 miles by the time my race roles around, but hopefully some adrenaline will kick in and help me out.

The last think on my mind today is that I had some knee pain for the first time since I started six weeks ago. It didn't really bother me until i was cooling down, so hopefully by my next run on Tuesday, it will feel better. (I did put some frozen corn on it :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I did it. Today I ran 2 miles WITHOUT walking. I don't know how it happened. Saturday I couldn't run 3/4 of a mile without walking, and today, 2 MILES! Can you tell I'm so excited. Just today someone asked me how the running is going (Penn Charter, where I teach is filled with runners) and I said how hard it's been and how frustrated I am, and then I come home, suck it up and went running.

I decided that it was time to get back off the treadmill and needed somewhere new to run. I looked up township parks in my area and decided to check one out. The trail is short, just over a quarter mile, but it was pretty, quiet and had just one small hill. So I ran. I have always used runkeeper on my iphone, but I upgraded to the pro version today (free, btw) and found it will talk to me and tell me my time, distance and average pace and current pace. I found this to be extremely helpful because on the treadmill, I am a serious clock watcher. Freeing up my hands helped me to relax and just think about my run. I also found that being able to change my pace throughout the run helped a great deal. On the treadmill, I felt locked in, while outside I could slow down on the hills or when I felt tired, but still be jogging, and then relax and pick up the pace a little on the downhills and flat.

I'm feeling like today really made me feel so much better about being able to do this 5k in a few weeks, and hopefully continue to build throughout the summer so that I can do the Falmouth Road Race (7 miles!) in August :)

My friend Lisa said that effortless runs make the hard ones seem worth it, and I never thought I would have one, but today wasn't effortless, but it sure felt good!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Running is Hard

This is what I decided today, as I huffed and puffed my way through my workout. I wasn't able to do the full workout without walking, but I only walked a little bit, and I was thinking about dropping my race for the 8th and just running another one later in May I already want to do, because I'm not sure I'm going to be ready in time. The more I thought about it, the sillier I thought that was, because while my goal is to run the whole thing without walking... if I don't do it the first time, at least it will be a good start. I just have to do the best I can and keep working hard and sooner or later, I'll be where I want to be; a place where I can run without thinking, without turning bright red, without checking my distance every 20 seconds. I have moments where I can relax my upper body and get in a grove where I can imagine what a really good, long run must feel like. I hope I get there!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


After last week and going into week five, I was nervous. Last week was hard. I was tired, sweaty, weary and discouraged. I felt good after each workout, but am not at the point where I look forward to the next one. Going into week five, when things are starting to get pretty serious, I was feeling some anxiety. I turned to my friend, LK, again, seeking advice. Her response was not the one I was looking for. She said, "it is hard, and if it weren't, everyone would do it, and that sometimes perseverance is the reward." I was looking for, "don't worry, it get's easier!" or something, like that, but I guess that would have been too easy. After some thought, and a decent run today, I decided that it will get easier, but when it does, that's when you push a little harder and that's how you make progress.

LK also told me that effort=strength, so the more I'm putting in, the stronger I will become. I like to think that's not just about muscle tone, although I do look forward to my legs catching up with my heart strength, but that this process is strengthening me as a person. Sticking to something and doing it well is pretty standard for me. I don't like to quit and I don't like to lose. Running is one thing that has bested me many times before and I like to hope that each day I get closer to being someone who could go for a run to blow off a rough day, or just to enjoy a beautiful day.

On a more technical note, my run today wasn't easy. I was running .5 miles, walking .25, then alternating back to running for a total of three running blocks and 2 walking. The first half mile went well, the second I needed to walk for .05 in the middle, and same with the last half mile. I have kept up a slow and steady pace and my heart rate is good, so that's good, but I struggle with the idea that at the end of this week I need to run two miles straight. I don't feel ready. I guess time will tell.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

It is unusual for me to post three times in a week, but this week was tough. Going into my run today I was thinking that it was going to be difficult, and I was right. Not having a day of rest in between was tough, plus having a late night didn't help I'm sure. That last half mile this week gets me every time. I had to stop and walk for just a little bit during it just to survive, but my distance was further in the same period of time than it was on Thursday, but not quite as far as Saturday. That seems about right, considering how I felt about the runs in general.

I am very nervous about this coming week because it seems hard to believe that by this time next week I will be running 20 minutes straight without walking... We'll see I guess.

I did, also go for a nice walk with a pretty decent uphill climb with some friends today too, which was a much more pleasant way to work some cardio in :)

So, while today was not great, I hope that next week is better.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

a better day

Today went better. I was tired and very sweaty and kinda a mess, but I was able to do my week 4 workout without walking when I was "supposed" to be running. I also went a little faster than I did on Thursday, which felt like an accomplishment. Right now, the half mile stretches feel endless, and I can't really imagine running the full 3.1 without keeling over, but I also remind myself that I have to just take this one step at a time. There was a time when the 1 minute of jogging was hard, and now I'm running more than I'm walking! I must say that I look forward to the day (if it ever comes) when I can run the 3 miles without being a red faced, sweaty mess :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My hardest run yet

So, today was hard. I had a really busy week, coming back to school after my spring break and it became very difficult to fit in my work outs. I finally got to the gym today, for the first time since Friday and I definitely felt the difference. The jump in the running to walking ratio was a significant one this week and one I had been nervous about to begin with, and then adding to it five days off, I'm actually surprised it went as well as it did.

I had a good first half, and was able to run the first half mile chunk without too much trouble. It was the last one that really got to me. I even had to stop and walk for .05 miles and then start up again. I was able to finish and feel like overall, I had a run I could be proud of, but I hope that it goes even better tomorrow! Maybe I'll post again before I start the next week...

Monday, March 28, 2011

week three

I started week three today and it went well. At the start of each week, I'm always surprised that I am able to bump it up to running a little more and walking a little less. I've also been alternating running in my neighborhood and on the treadmill at the gym. The difference surprised me at first, and I felt like running on real road was much harder, but as I have gotten used to it, and by logging my runs, I have found that I actually go a little faster in real ground, as apposed to set speeds on the treadmill. I guess this is good news, considering that my race is NOT on a treadmill :)

I've been thinking about how much I used to fear running. Not even long distance running, but just the idea of playing a game of tag at school (I teach Kindergarten) or running around with my friends made me nervous. I think that part of this year to love running is more than just for fitness and health, it's also for my well being. I used to be a pretty active person, but with age, time and pounds, I have become more hesitant to partake in more active activities. I'm hoping that with this 5K, comes some confidence. That if I can run 3 miles, I can certainly run around with my students on the playground, or with my friends in a game of barrel ball :) So, let's hope I can keep this up!

Monday, March 21, 2011

4 sessions in...

So, I decided this January, that this would be a year to find out if I can learn to love running. I have NEVER enjoyed running, even as a child. I have always been a water girl. Maybe it's the Aquarius in me, but swimming comes very naturally and I would always rather be in the water. I have recently become interested in doing a Triathlon Sprint, and the swimming should be good, the biking fine, and the running... well to be honest, it terrified me! So with the support of a dear friend, LK, who is an avid Triathlete, I decided that this would be my year to figure out if I could learn to at least tolerate the running piece.

So, with LK's guidance, I started on the treadmill. Walking. I used to be an elliptical kinda girl, but she explained to me, if you want to be a runner, you need to run. So, reluctantly, I got on the treadmill and began by just doing walking intervals three days a week. I registered for my first 5K in May in order to stay motivated and was feeling really good!

Then I hit tech week for the musical I am in and got sick and lost all of my momentum and really almost gave up. I thought about the charity I am running for, Mommy's Light, in West Chester and realized that this was something I really wanted to do. So I looked up the Couch Potato to 5K plan and made a commitment to make this happen.

So I've started my second week today and am feeling pretty good. I was worried last week because I didn't think I was ready to actually start jogging, but in the intervals, I actually felt better than I expected, especially since I ran in my neighborhood instead of on the treadmill like I usually do. Today I had to bump up the intervals and I feel like it went well. I'm slow, but really my goal is to be able to run the whole race without stopping, not to do it quickly, so I'm trying not to be so hard on myself.

Well, we'll see what next week holds!