Friday, May 20, 2011

3 miles!!

I did it. I ran three miles on Thursday. I headed over to a new location for me, the Norristown Farm Park and had a great run. I DID get a little lost, (go ahead and laugh) and had to get some assistance from a park ranger and a map, but then I was back on track and had a pretty good run. I am slow, but I ran it all! It was such an awesome feeling of accomplishment and I feel much more confident going into my race tomorrow. I know it is going to be tough, and that I may have to walk at some point, but I just loved the way it felt to just be out and running, and not be checking my watch, or distance every 20 seconds like I did when I started. It is so hard for me to believe that I went from struggling to run for 60 seconds at a time, to running 3 miles. And, that I enjoy it! Who would have guessed. So, tomorrow is the big day and while I'm a little anxious, and a little more so because I know many of the people who are going to be there and everyone will know how freakin slow I am. But, whatever! here we go :)

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