Sunday, April 10, 2011

It is unusual for me to post three times in a week, but this week was tough. Going into my run today I was thinking that it was going to be difficult, and I was right. Not having a day of rest in between was tough, plus having a late night didn't help I'm sure. That last half mile this week gets me every time. I had to stop and walk for just a little bit during it just to survive, but my distance was further in the same period of time than it was on Thursday, but not quite as far as Saturday. That seems about right, considering how I felt about the runs in general.

I am very nervous about this coming week because it seems hard to believe that by this time next week I will be running 20 minutes straight without walking... We'll see I guess.

I did, also go for a nice walk with a pretty decent uphill climb with some friends today too, which was a much more pleasant way to work some cardio in :)

So, while today was not great, I hope that next week is better.

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