Thursday, April 14, 2011


After last week and going into week five, I was nervous. Last week was hard. I was tired, sweaty, weary and discouraged. I felt good after each workout, but am not at the point where I look forward to the next one. Going into week five, when things are starting to get pretty serious, I was feeling some anxiety. I turned to my friend, LK, again, seeking advice. Her response was not the one I was looking for. She said, "it is hard, and if it weren't, everyone would do it, and that sometimes perseverance is the reward." I was looking for, "don't worry, it get's easier!" or something, like that, but I guess that would have been too easy. After some thought, and a decent run today, I decided that it will get easier, but when it does, that's when you push a little harder and that's how you make progress.

LK also told me that effort=strength, so the more I'm putting in, the stronger I will become. I like to think that's not just about muscle tone, although I do look forward to my legs catching up with my heart strength, but that this process is strengthening me as a person. Sticking to something and doing it well is pretty standard for me. I don't like to quit and I don't like to lose. Running is one thing that has bested me many times before and I like to hope that each day I get closer to being someone who could go for a run to blow off a rough day, or just to enjoy a beautiful day.

On a more technical note, my run today wasn't easy. I was running .5 miles, walking .25, then alternating back to running for a total of three running blocks and 2 walking. The first half mile went well, the second I needed to walk for .05 in the middle, and same with the last half mile. I have kept up a slow and steady pace and my heart rate is good, so that's good, but I struggle with the idea that at the end of this week I need to run two miles straight. I don't feel ready. I guess time will tell.

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