Sunday, April 24, 2011

hot and hilly

I did my second run of week six today and it went alright. Friday's run was better, but I think weather had something to do with it. It was much warmer today and I ran in my neighborhood which has a good almost 1 mile loop, and some decent hills, which is good practice but much harder! I also didn't feel like my Runkeeper app was keeping accurate time of my pace. I'm not sure what makes me say that, except that my pace didn't seem nearly as slow as my app was telling me. I guess I could figure it out myself, but it doesn't really matter. I'm not nearly as worried about how fast I'm going at this point, rather just being able to run without walking.

Today was my last workout with any walking in it, which is exciting and scary at the same time. I felt so good when I did that two miles with no walking, so I'm looking forward to the build that's coming, adding a quarter mile each week. I am behind where I wanted to be by now, and will not have run 3 miles by the time my race roles around, but hopefully some adrenaline will kick in and help me out.

The last think on my mind today is that I had some knee pain for the first time since I started six weeks ago. It didn't really bother me until i was cooling down, so hopefully by my next run on Tuesday, it will feel better. (I did put some frozen corn on it :)

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