Monday, March 28, 2011

week three

I started week three today and it went well. At the start of each week, I'm always surprised that I am able to bump it up to running a little more and walking a little less. I've also been alternating running in my neighborhood and on the treadmill at the gym. The difference surprised me at first, and I felt like running on real road was much harder, but as I have gotten used to it, and by logging my runs, I have found that I actually go a little faster in real ground, as apposed to set speeds on the treadmill. I guess this is good news, considering that my race is NOT on a treadmill :)

I've been thinking about how much I used to fear running. Not even long distance running, but just the idea of playing a game of tag at school (I teach Kindergarten) or running around with my friends made me nervous. I think that part of this year to love running is more than just for fitness and health, it's also for my well being. I used to be a pretty active person, but with age, time and pounds, I have become more hesitant to partake in more active activities. I'm hoping that with this 5K, comes some confidence. That if I can run 3 miles, I can certainly run around with my students on the playground, or with my friends in a game of barrel ball :) So, let's hope I can keep this up!

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