Sunday, August 7, 2016

Back at it...

I don't think anyone reads this blog, but I revisited yesterday when I started up another round of CT5K.  I know I ended up deciding that running wasn't really for me, but for some reason recently I've been wanting to give it another go.

I did some nice long walks on the beach last week and while I also enjoy walking along the shore, walking in general doesn't really do it for me. I get bored. So, as I walked I decided when I got home I would give CT5K a try (again).

Yesterday I got dressed, put on my sneakers and walked out the door around noon to a wall of heat and humidity. I think more than the actual "running," I'm most proud of the fact that I didn't just slink back into the cool comfort of my air conditioned home.

I did Week 1 Day 1 and aside from the oppressive weather, I felt pretty good. I'm really out of shape, but deciding that I really just want to build a routine that I can keep up more long term. I'm not out to run races, I just want to stay moving.

Tomorrow I'll do Day 2. Here's hoping it's not so hot and it feels a little easier!

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