Thursday, August 25, 2016

Running is better at the beach

I took a break. I hadn't planned to, but PA got blasted with 95+ degree weather for weeks and it was just too hot to move, let alone run. This week it cooled off finally, and after I got through some cluster migraines earlier in the week I was ready to get back out there. I start meetings for school on Monday, so this was my last chance to get to the beach before school gets under way. As I was packing for a quick two-day trip, I threw in my sneakers and then my running clothes. I was a little surprised after I did it, but I thought, well, at least this way I'll have them if I decide to go out.

Yesterday was a beautiful day on the beach and I stayed late and decided that running in the morning would be my best bet. I woke up and kept talking myself into the run. I finally got dressed, plugged in my headphones and headed out the door. There is something about running the boardwalk that inspires me. I did my Week 1 Day 3 run and it went well. By the end I was winded and appreciated that I had run out further than I needed for my 30 minutes and had a nice half mile cool down. Overall, my pace was just under what it was last run, but just by a hair. I thought it might have been faster considering how hot it was last time, but I've been pretty lazy for two weeks, so that might explain things. I guess I should be glad that my pace was about the same and not slower. Baby steps! There was a nice breeze and many other runners out, which even as they passed me over and over again, I found reassuring.

My next week bumps things up a bit and I think I am ready for it. It's a small change and I'll see how it goes. I'm not aiming for a particular date to run a 5K by, so I have the gift of time. I want it to be enjoyable and to make progress.

On another note, I have a really yucky bruise/blister on my big toe. I'm keeping an eye on it, but it may need a doctor. It doesn't actually hurt unless I bump it into something, but it looks pretty bad. I banged it on the beach today which I think made it worse and looking at it made me want to pass out. I had to distract myself with Amy Poehler's audio book. Luckily it worked and I've felt okay for the rest of the day. Screw you, pain preception reactors. I don't know if that's a real term, but I know whenever I see something that looks like it hurts I get faint. Empathy, even for myself, at it's finest.

Anyway, tomorrow is a rest day-I hope to take a walk, and then on to Week 2 Saturday morning.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Week 1 Day 2- Why is Summer So Hot?

I had every intention of running yesterday, but somehow I never got moving. Today I had just enough time squeeze in run between tutoring, renewing library books, and lunch with a friend.

When I got back from Day 1 on Saturday and checked out the free CT5K app I was using I discovered it doesn't track distance or pace, both of which were things that interested me, so I drove my route with my car this morning and got a pretty good idea of my distance at least.

Today I didn't feel like running in my neighborhood so I took a little drive to a local park with a paved loop that's just under a mile. I actually felt pretty good for the first half of my workout. I even made it till the 5th running interval before I checked my time during the running part. This felt like an achievement! By the end I was really over-heated and wished I were somewhere with more shade. I am starting to wonder if I should bring a water bottle with me while I'm running...  We'll see!

Anyway, overall it felt like a good workout. I went .12 miles further than I did Saturday in the same amount of time, so that was encouraging. My hope is to go again either Thursday or Friday before I'm away for the weekend. I like having a day of recovery from the running piece but am trying to find a balance and be sure I'm still walking or active on my "off" day. My real goal is routine building, so that seems important!

Till next time, stay cool!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Back at it...

I don't think anyone reads this blog, but I revisited yesterday when I started up another round of CT5K.  I know I ended up deciding that running wasn't really for me, but for some reason recently I've been wanting to give it another go.

I did some nice long walks on the beach last week and while I also enjoy walking along the shore, walking in general doesn't really do it for me. I get bored. So, as I walked I decided when I got home I would give CT5K a try (again).

Yesterday I got dressed, put on my sneakers and walked out the door around noon to a wall of heat and humidity. I think more than the actual "running," I'm most proud of the fact that I didn't just slink back into the cool comfort of my air conditioned home.

I did Week 1 Day 1 and aside from the oppressive weather, I felt pretty good. I'm really out of shape, but deciding that I really just want to build a routine that I can keep up more long term. I'm not out to run races, I just want to stay moving.

Tomorrow I'll do Day 2. Here's hoping it's not so hot and it feels a little easier!