Wednesday, February 1, 2012

another year to love running?

Well, because it was a random, beautiful, warm, sunny day in February, I thought it was as good a time as any to get back outside and see how the running thing was going. I had spent the early part of winter hibernating, but around Christmas, I got back to the gym and started getting myself moving again. I found a Zumba class I enjoy and have been using the Eliptical, but had found myself sort of avoiding the whole "running" thing. So today I decided I would be prepared for a jog, but planned to just take a nice walk and see how things went. I walked for .8 of a mile, jogged the last .2 and then walked another quarter. It felt pretty good, but my feet hurt. I'm wondering if it's time for new shoes?

So, here's the thing. I took a year to "try on" running and I think I left the year with mixed feelings. When I'm running consistently, I definitely have days when I find it enjoyable. However, I think I could safely say that when I'm not consistent, and it gets hard, then I don't want to do it at all because it's not fun. So I think heading into the winter I felt pretty done with running, maybe for good. But today, for as little as I did, it was kinda nice. While I was outside, walking/jogging my neighborhood loop, I thought about running, and I thought about Zumba and Yoga, and the gym and I think that this year, the goal is consistency, balance and fun. If it's not fun, I'm going to mix it up. I just have to keep moving!

What do you do when you get bored with your routine, or when you break your routine and it gets hard again?